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Utilities for parsing configuration from YAML files and merging them with argparse CLI args (See Getting started for a concrete example).

For this I use OmegaConf and I have extended it with integration for argparse.

This way we can tweak models and run investigative experiments with weird configurations from the CLI, without polluting our configuration files.

When some configuration shows promise then we can create a configuration file out of it with detailed description and set it in stone for reproducibility.

The whole process is transparent, if you follow the conventions.

generate_example_config(parser, output_file, args=None)

parse_config Parse a provided YAML config file and command line args and merge them

During experimentation we want ideally to have a configuration file with the model and training configuration, but also be able to run quick experiments using command line args. This function allows you to double dip, by overriding values in a YAML config file through user provided command line arguments.

The precedence for merging is as follows * default cli args values < config file values < user provided cli args


  • if you don't include a value in your configuration it will take the default value from the argparse arguments
  • if you provide a cli arg (e.g. run the script with --bsz 64) it will override the value in the config file

Note we use an extended OmegaConf istance to achieve this (see slp.config.omegaconf.OmegaConf)


Name Type Description Default
parser ArgumentParser

The argument parser you want to use

output_file str

Configuration file name or file descriptor to save example configuration

args Optional[List[str]]

Optional input sys.argv style args. Useful for testing. Use this only for testing. By default it uses sys.argv[1:]

Source code in slp/config/
def generate_example_config(
    parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
    output_file: str,
    args: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> None:
    """parse_config Parse a provided YAML config file and command line args and merge them

    During experimentation we want ideally to have a configuration file with the model and training configuration,
    but also be able to run quick experiments using command line args.
    This function allows you to double dip, by overriding values in a YAML config file through user provided command line arguments.

    The precedence for merging is as follows
       * default cli args values < config file values < user provided cli args


       * if you don't include a value in your configuration it will take the default value from the argparse arguments
       * if you provide a cli arg (e.g. run the script with --bsz 64) it will override the value in the config file

    Note we use an extended OmegaConf istance to achieve this (see slp.config.omegaconf.OmegaConf)

        parser (argparse.ArgumentParser): The argument parser you want to use
        output_file (Union[str, IO]): Configuration file name or file descriptor to save example configuration
        args (Optional[List[str]]): Optional input sys.argv style args. Useful for testing.
            Use this only for testing. By default it uses sys.argv[1:]
    config = parse_config(parser, None, include_none=True), output_file)

make_cli_parser(parser, datamodule_cls)

make_cli_parser Augment an argument parser for slp with the default arguments

Default arguments for training, logging, optimization etc. are added to the input {parser}. If you use make_cli_parser, the following command line arguments will be included

!!! usage " [-h] [--hidden MODEL.INTERMEDIATE_HIDDEN]"
                                [--optimizer {Adam,AdamW,SGD,Adadelta,Adagrad,Adamax,ASGD,RMSprop}]
                                [--lr OPTIM.LR] [--weight-decay OPTIM.WEIGHT_DECAY]
                                [--lr-scheduler] [--lr-factor LR_SCHEDULE.FACTOR]
                                [--lr-patience LR_SCHEDULE.PATIENCE]
                                [--lr-cooldown LR_SCHEDULE.COOLDOWN]
                                [--min-lr LR_SCHEDULE.MIN_LR] [--seed SEED] [--config CONFIG]
                                [--experiment-name TRAINER.EXPERIMENT_NAME]
                                [--run-id TRAINER.RUN_ID]
                                [--experiment-group TRAINER.EXPERIMENT_GROUP]
                                [--experiments-folder TRAINER.EXPERIMENTS_FOLDER]
                                [--save-top-k TRAINER.SAVE_TOP_K]
                                [--patience TRAINER.PATIENCE]
                                [--wandb-project TRAINER.WANDB_PROJECT]
                                [--tags [TRAINER.TAGS [TRAINER.TAGS ...]]]
                                [--stochastic_weight_avg] [--gpus TRAINER.GPUS]
                                [--val-interval TRAINER.CHECK_VAL_EVERY_N_EPOCH]
                                [--clip-grad-norm TRAINER.GRADIENT_CLIP_VAL]
                                [--epochs TRAINER.MAX_EPOCHS] [--steps TRAINER.MAX_STEPS]
                                [--tbtt_steps TRAINER.TRUNCATED_BPTT_STEPS] [--debug]
                                [--offline] [--early-stop-on TRAINER.EARLY_STOP_ON]
                                [--early-stop-mode {min,max}] [--num-trials TUNE.NUM_TRIALS]
                                [--gpus-per-trial TUNE.GPUS_PER_TRIAL]
                                [--cpus-per-trial TUNE.CPUS_PER_TRIAL]
                                [--tune-metric TUNE.METRIC] [--tune-mode {max,min}]
                                [--val-percent DATA.VAL_PERCENT]
                                [--test-percent DATA.TEST_PERCENT] [--bsz DATA.BATCH_SIZE]
                                [--bsz-eval DATA.BATCH_SIZE_EVAL]
                                [--num-workers DATA.NUM_WORKERS] [--no-pin-memory]
                                [--drop-last] [--no-shuffle-eval]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                                                Intermediate hidden layers for linear module
  --optimizer {Adam,AdamW,SGD,Adadelta,Adagrad,Adamax,ASGD,RMSprop}
                                                Which optimizer to use
  --lr OPTIM.LR         Learning rate
  --weight-decay OPTIM.WEIGHT_DECAY
                                                Learning rate
  --lr-scheduler        Use learning rate scheduling. Currently only
                                                ReduceLROnPlateau is supported out of the box
  --lr-factor LR_SCHEDULE.FACTOR
                                                Multiplicative factor by which LR is reduced. Used if
                                                --lr-scheduler is provided.
  --lr-patience LR_SCHEDULE.PATIENCE
                                                Number of epochs with no improvement after which
                                                learning rate will be reduced. Used if --lr-scheduler
                                                is provided.
  --lr-cooldown LR_SCHEDULE.COOLDOWN
                                                Number of epochs to wait before resuming normal
                                                operation after lr has been reduced. Used if --lr-
                                                scheduler is provided.
                                                Minimum lr for LR scheduling. Used if --lr-scheduler
                                                is provided.
  --seed SEED           Seed for reproducibility
  --config CONFIG       Path to YAML configuration file
  --experiment-name TRAINER.EXPERIMENT_NAME
                                                Name of the running experiment
  --run-id TRAINER.RUN_ID
                                                Unique identifier for the current run. If not provided
                                                it is inferred from
  --experiment-group TRAINER.EXPERIMENT_GROUP
                                                Group of current experiment. Useful when evaluating
                                                for different seeds / cross-validation etc.
  --experiments-folder TRAINER.EXPERIMENTS_FOLDER
                                                Top-level folder where experiment results &
                                                checkpoints are saved
  --save-top-k TRAINER.SAVE_TOP_K
                                                Save checkpoints for top k models
                                                Number of epochs to wait before early stopping
  --wandb-project TRAINER.WANDB_PROJECT
                                                Wandb project under which results are saved
                                                Tags for current run to make results searchable.
                                                Use Stochastic weight averaging.
  --gpus TRAINER.GPUS   Number of GPUs to use
                                                Run validation every n epochs
  --clip-grad-norm TRAINER.GRADIENT_CLIP_VAL
                                                Clip gradients with ||grad(w)|| >= args.clip_grad_norm
                                                Maximum number of training epochs
                                                Maximum number of training steps
                                                Truncated Back-propagation-through-time steps.
  --debug               If true, we run a full run on a small subset of the
                                                input data and overfit 10 training batches
  --offline             If true, forces offline execution of wandb logger
  --early-stop-on TRAINER.EARLY_STOP_ON
                                                Metric for early stopping
  --early-stop-mode {min,max}
                                                Minimize or maximize early stopping metric
  --num-trials TUNE.NUM_TRIALS
                                                Number of trials to run for hyperparameter tuning
  --gpus-per-trial TUNE.GPUS_PER_TRIAL
                                                How many gpus to use for each trial. If gpus_per_trial
                                                < 1 multiple trials are packed in the same gpu
  --cpus-per-trial TUNE.CPUS_PER_TRIAL
                                                How many cpus to use for each trial.
  --tune-metric TUNE.METRIC
                                                Tune this metric. Need to be one of the keys of
                                                metrics_map passed into make_trainer_for_ray_tune.
  --tune-mode {max,min}
                                                Maximize or minimize metric
  --val-percent DATA.VAL_PERCENT
                                                Percent of validation data to be randomly split from
                                                the training set, if no validation set is provided
  --test-percent DATA.TEST_PERCENT
                                                Percent of test data to be randomly split from the
                                                training set, if no test set is provided
                                                Training batch size
                                                Evaluation batch size
  --num-workers DATA.NUM_WORKERS
                                                Number of workers to be used in the DataLoader
  --no-pin-memory       Don't pin data to GPU memory when transferring
  --drop-last           Drop last incomplete batch
  --no-shuffle-eval     Don't shuffle val & test sets


Name Type Description Default
parser ArgumentParser

A parent argument to be augmented

datamodule_cls LightningDataModule

A data module class that injects arguments through the add_argparse_args method



Type Description

argparse.ArgumentParser: The augmented command line parser


>>> import argparse
>>> from import PLDataModuleFromDatasets
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("My cool model")
>>> parser.add_argument("--hidden", dest="model.hidden", type=int)  # Create parser with model arguments and anything else you need
>>> parser = make_cli_parser(parser, PLDataModuleFromDatasets)
>>> args = parser.parse_args(args=["--bsz", "64", "--lr", "0.01"])
Source code in slp/config/
def make_cli_parser(
    parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, datamodule_cls: pl.LightningDataModule
) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
    """make_cli_parser Augment an argument parser for slp with the default arguments

    Default arguments for training, logging, optimization etc. are added to the input {parser}.
    If you use make_cli_parser, the following command line arguments will be included

        usage: [-h] [--hidden MODEL.INTERMEDIATE_HIDDEN]
                                        [--optimizer {Adam,AdamW,SGD,Adadelta,Adagrad,Adamax,ASGD,RMSprop}]
                                        [--lr OPTIM.LR] [--weight-decay OPTIM.WEIGHT_DECAY]
                                        [--lr-scheduler] [--lr-factor LR_SCHEDULE.FACTOR]
                                        [--lr-patience LR_SCHEDULE.PATIENCE]
                                        [--lr-cooldown LR_SCHEDULE.COOLDOWN]
                                        [--min-lr LR_SCHEDULE.MIN_LR] [--seed SEED] [--config CONFIG]
                                        [--experiment-name TRAINER.EXPERIMENT_NAME]
                                        [--run-id TRAINER.RUN_ID]
                                        [--experiment-group TRAINER.EXPERIMENT_GROUP]
                                        [--experiments-folder TRAINER.EXPERIMENTS_FOLDER]
                                        [--save-top-k TRAINER.SAVE_TOP_K]
                                        [--patience TRAINER.PATIENCE]
                                        [--wandb-project TRAINER.WANDB_PROJECT]
                                        [--tags [TRAINER.TAGS [TRAINER.TAGS ...]]]
                                        [--stochastic_weight_avg] [--gpus TRAINER.GPUS]
                                        [--val-interval TRAINER.CHECK_VAL_EVERY_N_EPOCH]
                                        [--clip-grad-norm TRAINER.GRADIENT_CLIP_VAL]
                                        [--epochs TRAINER.MAX_EPOCHS] [--steps TRAINER.MAX_STEPS]
                                        [--tbtt_steps TRAINER.TRUNCATED_BPTT_STEPS] [--debug]
                                        [--offline] [--early-stop-on TRAINER.EARLY_STOP_ON]
                                        [--early-stop-mode {min,max}] [--num-trials TUNE.NUM_TRIALS]
                                        [--gpus-per-trial TUNE.GPUS_PER_TRIAL]
                                        [--cpus-per-trial TUNE.CPUS_PER_TRIAL]
                                        [--tune-metric TUNE.METRIC] [--tune-mode {max,min}]
                                        [--val-percent DATA.VAL_PERCENT]
                                        [--test-percent DATA.TEST_PERCENT] [--bsz DATA.BATCH_SIZE]
                                        [--bsz-eval DATA.BATCH_SIZE_EVAL]
                                        [--num-workers DATA.NUM_WORKERS] [--no-pin-memory]
                                        [--drop-last] [--no-shuffle-eval]

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                                                        Intermediate hidden layers for linear module
          --optimizer {Adam,AdamW,SGD,Adadelta,Adagrad,Adamax,ASGD,RMSprop}
                                                        Which optimizer to use
          --lr OPTIM.LR         Learning rate
          --weight-decay OPTIM.WEIGHT_DECAY
                                                        Learning rate
          --lr-scheduler        Use learning rate scheduling. Currently only
                                                        ReduceLROnPlateau is supported out of the box
          --lr-factor LR_SCHEDULE.FACTOR
                                                        Multiplicative factor by which LR is reduced. Used if
                                                        --lr-scheduler is provided.
          --lr-patience LR_SCHEDULE.PATIENCE
                                                        Number of epochs with no improvement after which
                                                        learning rate will be reduced. Used if --lr-scheduler
                                                        is provided.
          --lr-cooldown LR_SCHEDULE.COOLDOWN
                                                        Number of epochs to wait before resuming normal
                                                        operation after lr has been reduced. Used if --lr-
                                                        scheduler is provided.
          --min-lr LR_SCHEDULE.MIN_LR
                                                        Minimum lr for LR scheduling. Used if --lr-scheduler
                                                        is provided.
          --seed SEED           Seed for reproducibility
          --config CONFIG       Path to YAML configuration file
          --experiment-name TRAINER.EXPERIMENT_NAME
                                                        Name of the running experiment
          --run-id TRAINER.RUN_ID
                                                        Unique identifier for the current run. If not provided
                                                        it is inferred from
          --experiment-group TRAINER.EXPERIMENT_GROUP
                                                        Group of current experiment. Useful when evaluating
                                                        for different seeds / cross-validation etc.
          --experiments-folder TRAINER.EXPERIMENTS_FOLDER
                                                        Top-level folder where experiment results &
                                                        checkpoints are saved
          --save-top-k TRAINER.SAVE_TOP_K
                                                        Save checkpoints for top k models
          --patience TRAINER.PATIENCE
                                                        Number of epochs to wait before early stopping
          --wandb-project TRAINER.WANDB_PROJECT
                                                        Wandb project under which results are saved
          --tags [TRAINER.TAGS [TRAINER.TAGS ...]]
                                                        Tags for current run to make results searchable.
                                                        Use Stochastic weight averaging.
          --gpus TRAINER.GPUS   Number of GPUs to use
          --val-interval TRAINER.CHECK_VAL_EVERY_N_EPOCH
                                                        Run validation every n epochs
          --clip-grad-norm TRAINER.GRADIENT_CLIP_VAL
                                                        Clip gradients with ||grad(w)|| >= args.clip_grad_norm
          --epochs TRAINER.MAX_EPOCHS
                                                        Maximum number of training epochs
          --steps TRAINER.MAX_STEPS
                                                        Maximum number of training steps
          --tbtt_steps TRAINER.TRUNCATED_BPTT_STEPS
                                                        Truncated Back-propagation-through-time steps.
          --debug               If true, we run a full run on a small subset of the
                                                        input data and overfit 10 training batches
          --offline             If true, forces offline execution of wandb logger
          --early-stop-on TRAINER.EARLY_STOP_ON
                                                        Metric for early stopping
          --early-stop-mode {min,max}
                                                        Minimize or maximize early stopping metric
          --num-trials TUNE.NUM_TRIALS
                                                        Number of trials to run for hyperparameter tuning
          --gpus-per-trial TUNE.GPUS_PER_TRIAL
                                                        How many gpus to use for each trial. If gpus_per_trial
                                                        < 1 multiple trials are packed in the same gpu
          --cpus-per-trial TUNE.CPUS_PER_TRIAL
                                                        How many cpus to use for each trial.
          --tune-metric TUNE.METRIC
                                                        Tune this metric. Need to be one of the keys of
                                                        metrics_map passed into make_trainer_for_ray_tune.
          --tune-mode {max,min}
                                                        Maximize or minimize metric
          --val-percent DATA.VAL_PERCENT
                                                        Percent of validation data to be randomly split from
                                                        the training set, if no validation set is provided
          --test-percent DATA.TEST_PERCENT
                                                        Percent of test data to be randomly split from the
                                                        training set, if no test set is provided
          --bsz DATA.BATCH_SIZE
                                                        Training batch size
          --bsz-eval DATA.BATCH_SIZE_EVAL
                                                        Evaluation batch size
          --num-workers DATA.NUM_WORKERS
                                                        Number of workers to be used in the DataLoader
          --no-pin-memory       Don't pin data to GPU memory when transferring
          --drop-last           Drop last incomplete batch
          --no-shuffle-eval     Don't shuffle val & test sets

        parser (argparse.ArgumentParser): A parent argument to be augmented
        datamodule_cls (pytorch_lightning.LightningDataModule): A data module class that injects arguments through the add_argparse_args method

        argparse.ArgumentParser: The augmented command line parser

        >>> import argparse
        >>> from import PLDataModuleFromDatasets
        >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("My cool model")
        >>> parser.add_argument("--hidden", dest="model.hidden", type=int)  # Create parser with model arguments and anything else you need
        >>> parser = make_cli_parser(parser, PLDataModuleFromDatasets)
        >>> args = parser.parse_args(args=["--bsz", "64", "--lr", "0.01"])
    parser = add_optimizer_args(parser)
    parser = add_trainer_args(parser)
    parser = add_tune_args(parser)
    parser = datamodule_cls.add_argparse_args(parser)

    return parser

parse_config(parser, config_file, args=None, include_none=False)

parse_config Parse a provided YAML config file and command line args and merge them

During experimentation we want ideally to have a configuration file with the model and training configuration, but also be able to run quick experiments using command line args. This function allows you to double dip, by overriding values in a YAML config file through user provided command line arguments.

The precedence for merging is as follows * default cli args values < config file values < user provided cli args


  • if you don't include a value in your configuration it will take the default value from the argparse arguments
  • if you provide a cli arg (e.g. run the script with --bsz 64) it will override the value in the config file

Note we use an extended OmegaConf istance to achieve this (see slp.config.omegaconf.OmegaConf)


Name Type Description Default
parser ArgumentParser

The argument parser you want to use

config_file Union[str, IO]

Configuration file name or file descriptor

args Optional[List[str]]

Optional input sys.argv style args. Useful for testing. Use this only for testing. By default it uses sys.argv[1:]



Type Description
Union[omegaconf.listconfig.ListConfig, omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig]

OmegaConf.DictConfig: The parsed configuration as an OmegaConf DictConfig object


>>> import io
>>> from slp.config.config_parser import parse_config
>>> mock_config_file = io.StringIO('''
  hidden: 100
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("My cool model")
>>> parser.add_argument("--hidden", dest="model.hidden", type=int, default=20)
>>> cfg = parse_config(parser, mock_config_file)
{'model': {'hidden': 100}}
>>> type(cfg)
<class 'omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig'>
>>> cfg = parse_config(parser, mock_config_file, args=["--hidden", "200"])
{'model': {'hidden': 200}}
>>> mock_config_file = io.StringIO('''
random_value: hello
>>> cfg = parse_config(parser, mock_config_file)
{'model': {'hidden': 20}, 'random_value': 'hello'}
Source code in slp/config/
def parse_config(
    parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
    config_file: Optional[Union[str, IO]],
    args: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    include_none: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListConfig, DictConfig]:
    """parse_config Parse a provided YAML config file and command line args and merge them

    During experimentation we want ideally to have a configuration file with the model and training configuration,
    but also be able to run quick experiments using command line args.
    This function allows you to double dip, by overriding values in a YAML config file through user provided command line arguments.

    The precedence for merging is as follows
       * default cli args values < config file values < user provided cli args


       * if you don't include a value in your configuration it will take the default value from the argparse arguments
       * if you provide a cli arg (e.g. run the script with --bsz 64) it will override the value in the config file

    Note we use an extended OmegaConf istance to achieve this (see slp.config.omegaconf.OmegaConf)

        parser (argparse.ArgumentParser): The argument parser you want to use
        config_file (Union[str, IO]): Configuration file name or file descriptor
        args (Optional[List[str]]): Optional input sys.argv style args. Useful for testing.
            Use this only for testing. By default it uses sys.argv[1:]

        OmegaConf.DictConfig: The parsed configuration as an OmegaConf DictConfig object

        >>> import io
        >>> from slp.config.config_parser import parse_config
        >>> mock_config_file = io.StringIO('''
          hidden: 100
        >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("My cool model")
        >>> parser.add_argument("--hidden", dest="model.hidden", type=int, default=20)
        >>> cfg = parse_config(parser, mock_config_file)
        {'model': {'hidden': 100}}
        >>> type(cfg)
        <class 'omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig'>
        >>> cfg = parse_config(parser, mock_config_file, args=["--hidden", "200"])
        {'model': {'hidden': 200}}
        >>> mock_config_file = io.StringIO('''
        random_value: hello
        >>> cfg = parse_config(parser, mock_config_file)
        {'model': {'hidden': 20}, 'random_value': 'hello'}
    # Merge Configurations Precedence: default kwarg values < default argparse values < config file values < user provided CLI args values

    if config_file is not None:
        dict_config = OmegaConf.from_yaml(config_file)  # type: ignore
        dict_config = OmegaConf.create({})

    user_cli, default_cli = OmegaConf.from_argparse(parser, include_none=include_none)
    config = OmegaConf.merge(default_cli, dict_config, user_cli)"Running with the following configuration")"\n{OmegaConf.to_yaml(config)}")

    return config


SPECIAL_TOKENS Special Tokens for NLP applications

Default special tokens values and indices (compatible with BERT):

* [PAD]: 0
* [MASK]: 1
* [UNK]: 2
* [BOS]: 3
* [EOS]: 4
* [CLS]: 5
* [SEP]: 6
* [PAUSE]: 7


OmegaConfExtended Extended OmegaConf class, to include argparse style CLI arguments

Unfortunately the original authors are not interested into providing integration with argparse (, so we have to get by with this extension

from_argparse(parser, args=None, include_none=False) staticmethod

from_argparse Static method to convert argparse arguments into OmegaConf DictConfig objects

We parse the command line arguments and separate the user provided values and the default values. This is useful for merging with a config file.


Name Type Description Default
parser ArgumentParser

Parser for argparse arguments

args Optional[List[str]]

Optional input sys.argv style args. Useful for testing. Use this only for testing. By default it uses sys.argv[1:]



Type Description
Tuple[omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig]

Tuple[omegaconf.DictConfig, omegaconf.DictConfig]: (user provided cli args, default cli args) as a tuple of omegaconf.DictConfigs


>>> import argparse
>>> from slp.config.omegaconf import OmegaConfExtended
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("My cool model")
>>> parser.add_argument("--hidden", dest="model.hidden", type=int, default=20)
>>> user_provided_args, default_args = OmegaConfExtended.from_argparse(parser, args=["--hidden", "100"])
>>> user_provided_args
{'model': {'hidden': 100}}
>>> default_args
>>> user_provided_args, default_args = OmegaConfExtended.from_argparse(parser)
>>> user_provided_args
>>> default_args
{'model': {'hidden': 20}}
Source code in slp/config/
def from_argparse(
    parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
    args: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    include_none: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[DictConfig, DictConfig]:
    """from_argparse Static method to convert argparse arguments into OmegaConf DictConfig objects

    We parse the command line arguments and separate the user provided values and the default values.
    This is useful for merging with a config file.

        parser (argparse.ArgumentParser): Parser for argparse arguments
        args (Optional[List[str]]): Optional input sys.argv style args. Useful for testing.
            Use this only for testing. By default it uses sys.argv[1:]
        Tuple[omegaconf.DictConfig, omegaconf.DictConfig]: (user provided cli args, default cli args) as a tuple of omegaconf.DictConfigs

        >>> import argparse
        >>> from slp.config.omegaconf import OmegaConfExtended
        >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("My cool model")
        >>> parser.add_argument("--hidden", dest="model.hidden", type=int, default=20)
        >>> user_provided_args, default_args = OmegaConfExtended.from_argparse(parser, args=["--hidden", "100"])
        >>> user_provided_args
        {'model': {'hidden': 100}}
        >>> default_args
        >>> user_provided_args, default_args = OmegaConfExtended.from_argparse(parser)
        >>> user_provided_args
        >>> default_args
        {'model': {'hidden': 20}}
    dest_to_arg = {v.dest: k for k, v in parser._option_string_actions.items()}

    all_args = vars(parser.parse_args(args=args))
    provided_args = {}
    default_args = {}

    for k, v in all_args.items():
        if dest_to_arg[k] in sys.argv:
            provided_args[k] = v
            default_args[k] = v

    provided = OmegaConf.create(_nest(provided_args, include_none=include_none))
    defaults = OmegaConf.create(_nest(default_args, include_none=include_none))

    return provided, defaults

from_yaml(file_) staticmethod

Alias for OmegaConf.load OmegaConf.from_yaml got removed at some point. Bring it back


Name Type Description Default
file_ Union[str, pathlib.Path, IO[Any]]

file to load or file descriptor



Type Description
Union[omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, omegaconf.listconfig.ListConfig]

Union[DictConfig, ListConfig]: The loaded configuration

Source code in slp/config/
def from_yaml(
    file_: Union[str, pathlib.Path, IO[Any]]
) -> Union[DictConfig, ListConfig]:
    """Alias for OmegaConf.load
    OmegaConf.from_yaml got removed at some point. Bring it back

        file_ (Union[str, pathlib.Path, IO[Any]]): file to load or file descriptor

        Union[DictConfig, ListConfig]: The loaded configuration

    return OmegaConfExtended.load(file_)